Choosing an MSN Degree Program

What Can Obtaining an MSN Degree Do for a Nurse?

Anyone interested in learning more about the MSN degree and how it can help an individual’s nursing career should be asking quite a few questions. Everything from what types of degrees are offered to how to pay for an advanced education are questions that should be asked. There’s going to be an incredible amount of pressure what with the necessary effort, time as well as money put to the task, as much information that can be gathered as possible is going to allow an individual to make the correct decisions about an MSN education. Choosing the right program is the most important step toward being successful, so here are tips to take into consideration when pursuing an MSN degree:

  • Use the Database of Accredited Postsecondary Institutions and Programs as the first tool making a search for an accredited MSN program. Once programs are located, simply type in the school name to make sure that it is accredited and what authorizing agency has done so.
  • Check with the American Association of Colleges of Nursing to get a look at a list of all member schools throughout the country. Here you can also gain more information about CCNE accredited schools
  • The National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission is one of the agencies that is best known for its accrediting program. Their website contains a list of different schools and organizations that have passed this agency’s high standards. The offer of a ride to your different resources and information to prospective MSN students.
  • The National Council of State Boards of Nursing is the overseeing entity governing the activity of each of the 50 states’ boards of nursing. Each state has its own licensing requirements and information can be found at the NCSBN website that also contains information about the national exam known as the NCLEX.
  • Another good source to take a look at is the National League for Nursing that has as its stated goal to lead the world in setting standards for excellence and innovation concerning nursing education. Here you can find a great deal of information about what it takes to be a certified nurse educator along with other resources specifically geared toward nursing.
  • The Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools also offers institution accreditation and has been nationally recognized by the United States Secretary of Education. Services include receiving information about why accreditation matters, how to transfer credits and also how to file a grievance against the specific institution or course of study.
  • Look up the specific requirements for your State Board of Nursing while also learning about which schools have been accredited by a specific state. This particular link is for Kansas listing all the schools approved by its board. (An example. Check with the specific state of residence)

Examine Specific Specialty MSN Programs

  • The American Association of Nurse Anesthetists offers information about one of the better paying nursing careers. At this site, individuals can learn all they need to know about becoming a nurse anesthetist. Guides on how to become a CRNA as well as a list of accredited programs can be found on this site.
  • If seeking a career as a midwife, check out the American College of Nurse Midwives since it has been recognized by the US Department of Education as the accrediting agency for nurse-midwife education. Additionally, viewers that the site can read about approved programs and gain additional information about education and professional resources available.
  • When seeking to advance a career as a nurse practitioner, prospective students should take a look at the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners. Here viewers will gain important information about how to choose the correct MSN program. The site contains a list of schools that offer MSN programs leading to obtaining a nurse practitioner license as well as available continuing education resources.
  • Specializing is something that can be obtained through earning an MSN degree, especially if seeking to become a Nurse Practitioner in Women’s Health. Individual specializing in women’s health should take a look at this site because it has a list of currently approved CE programs as well as information about events, publications and even free webinars available for people seeking to advance their knowledge about women’s health issues.
  • Individuals seeking information about natural health treatments should stop at the Council on Naturopathic Medical Education A student graduating from approved program through this Council can apply for naturopathic licensing examinations administered by the North American Board of Naturopathic Examiners.
  • Nurses seeking international accreditation should visit CGFNS International. This organization’s mission is to evaluate credentials and verify the education, registration and licensing of nurses and healthcare professionals worldwide. There are a variety of different certification programs for which an individual can apply that are valid in several different countries throughout the globe.

  • Other Sites Helping Choose the Correct MSN Program

    • Top Health Schools is published by US News considered one of the most thought about sites when it comes to school rankings.
    • The American Nurses Association offers little more popular nursing certification programs and viewers to this site can read all about it here as well as a few additional tips about continuing education for nursing.
    • The Princeton Review is a major college ranking entity that offers information about the best colleges in the nation as well as other student tools. Of particular interest is a quiz didn’t toward future nurses.
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    • Often local junior colleges offer a place for students to a role in an MSN program. Check with Community College Week to learn about any specific programs available that may provide convenient access for advancing a nurse’s education in a convenient location.
    • When looking for a source for students doing the school rating, check out Students Review. There are more than 1000 views concerning 16,000 different majors. Viewers can either read about other student reviews or offer their own.
    • When visiting Pass Rates, viewers can find out how a particular MSN program stacks up against others with comparisons of test scores from the NCLEX. The site referenced here is for passing rates in the state of California.
    • Anyone who still has questions about selecting an MSN program, or other related information, should visit this particular site that contains a storehouse of answers to most nurse related questions.

    These are just tips that might help an individual select the correct MSN program for educational purposes. Ultimately it comes down to many different personal needs that must be met with so students choose the correct MSN program to meet individual needs.

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