Earning Money in Nursing College

If you are still paying for stuff in cash, you are really missing out. Using credit cards, you can get a lot of crazy deals like cash back rebates on purchases or even bonus gift certificates just for signing up.

When deciding on applying for a credit card, remember that many features and options exist. You will want to find the best credit card to suit your personal financial needs and spending habits.

StudentCreditCards :: Jan.10.2008 :: Credit Card Offers ::
3 Responses to “Cash Back Credit Cards”

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How to Pay Off Nursing School Loans?

Student credit cards are a great way for young people like college kids and high school students to start building their credit.

Companies like American Express, Citi, Discover, and Chase all offer special deals to kids. For instance, with the mtvU card, young kids can get hot discounts on music, DVD’s, and movie tickets.

The only drawback on these lines of credit is that they have significantly lower cash allowances. Don’t expect more than $500 of available buying power if this is your first card. Other than that, there’s no reason not to apply.

6 Responses to “Student Credit Cards”

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on 30 Mar 2008 at 4:50 am5Wajid

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